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Amaya Montes
12 nov 20245 Min. de lectura
¿Para qué sirve medir la huella de carbono en la industria?
La huella de carbono es una métrica que mide el total de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) causados directa o indirectamente...
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Jose Andrade
16 sept 20211 Min. de lectura
Luxury Villas
Since the middle of last year and with a considerable increase throughout this year, we have designed and manufactured systems for the...
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Jose Andrade
18 jun 20211 Min. de lectura
Internal factory testing
As manufacturers, part of our job is to ensure that our equipment performs as designed, guaranteeing that customer needs are met. FAT...
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Amaya Montes
7 may 20211 Min. de lectura
Only we can save them ¡Help Us!
Following our company philosophy, Plastic-Less Oceans, Pomar Water has created a small merchandising collection, in which most of the...
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Amaya Montes
8 abr 20212 Min. de lectura
Our PAS range
Pomar Water presenta su gama PAS, unidades de pequeño tamaño con altas prestaciones
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Amaya Montes
12 feb 20211 Min. de lectura
Departing to a Polar Cruise
Lately, Pomar Water have supplied a new system for several ships that navigate polar waters.
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Amaya Montes
14 dic 20201 Min. de lectura
Marine Technic: Welcome to the Pomar family!
We have signed a distribution agreement with the Danish company, Marine Technic
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Amaya Montes
9 nov 20201 Min. de lectura
A new delivery for FPSO
Pomar Water's experience in the offshore sector has allowed us to close the contract with a new client who has chosen our proposal for...
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Amaya Montes
4 sept 20201 Min. de lectura
Heading to Helsinki
We are pleased to announce the departure of a new order from our facilities, this time, heading to Helsinki. It is for the integral...
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Amaya Montes
10 ago 20201 Min. de lectura
Our new ultra-filtration equipment
We would like to present you PUF150, an ultra-filtration equipment designed and manufactured by Pomar Water for a treatment flow of 150...
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7 feb 20201 Min. de lectura
¡We got a new web!
Pomar Water team wants to present you our new website. We hope you like it.
We have added this space to keep you updated about our news
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