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This web page is operated under the name by Pomarwater SL, with tax identification number B70438783, and address at C / Parroquia de Rois, Parc. H-11, 15165, Bergondo with email address of Contact, telephone number +34 981783502, using Pomarwater as the trademark and henceforth.

Pomar Water makes basic corporate information and the corresponding conditions of use, both content and service, available to all users.


By using this website you agree to:

• Make use of this website only to make inquiries.

• Facilitate us in order to send information, offers, resolve technical aspects or to formalize a contracting process for our products and services; personal data, as well as data of the company that hires, truthfully and accurately. Likewise, you agree that we may use this information to contact you if necessary.


You acknowledge and consent that all copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights on the materials or content provided as part of the website, correspond to Pomar Water or to those who have licensed us for its use. You may make use of such material only in the manner expressly authorized by us or by those who have licensed us to use it. This will not prevent you from using this website to copy the extent necessary information about your order or Contact information.


You must not make improper use of this website by intentionally entering viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other technologically harmful or harmful program or material. You will not try to have unauthorized access to this web page, to the server where the page is hosted or to any server, computer or database related to our web page. You agree not to attack this website through a denial of service attack or a distributed denial of service attack. Failure to comply with this clause could lead to the commission of offenses typified by the applicable regulations. We will report any breach of such regulations to the competent authorities and we will cooperate with them to discover the identity of the attacker. Likewise, in case of breach of this clause, you will immediately cease to be authorized to use this website. We will not be responsible for any damage or loss resulting from a denial of service attack, virus or any other technologically harmful or damaging program or material that may affect your computer, computer equipment, data or materials as a result of the use of this website or of downloading content from the same or to which it redirects.

In the event that our website contains links to other websites and materials of third parties, these links are provided for informational purposes only, without Pomar Water having any control over the content of said websites or materials. Therefore, we do not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss derived from its use.


The notifications that you send us should preferably be through our contact form.


We will not be responsible for any breach or delay in the fulfillment of any of the obligations that we assume under a Contract, the cause of which is due to events that are beyond our reasonable control ("Force Majeure"). Causes of Force Majeure will include any act, event, lack of exercise, omission or accident that is beyond our reasonable control.

It will be understood that our obligations derived from the Contracts will be suspended during the period in which the Force Majeure Event continues, and we will have an extension in the term to fulfill said obligations for a period of time equal to the duration of the Force Majeure Event. We will use all possible means to find a solution that allows us to fulfill our obligations under the Contract despite the Force Majeure Event.


The lack of requirement on our part of strict compliance or on your part of any of the obligations assumed by virtue of a Contract or these Conditions. The lack of exercise on our part of the rights or actions that may correspond to us by virtue of said Contract or the Conditions, will not suppose any waiver or limitation in relation to said rights or actions nor will it exempt you from complying with such obligations. No waiver by us of a specific right or action will imply a waiver of other rights or actions derived from the Contract or the Conditions. No waiver by us of any of these Conditions or of the rights or actions derived from the Contract will take effect, unless it is expressly established that it is a waiver and it is formalized and communicated in writing in accordance with the provisions of section of previous Notifications


These Conditions and any document to which express reference, constitute the entire agreement existing between you and us in relation to the object of the same and replace any other pact, agreement or previous promise agreed between you and us verbally or written. You and us acknowledge having consented to the conclusion of the Contract without having relied on any declaration or promise made by the other party or that could be inferred from any declaration or writing in the negotiations entered into by the two before said Contract, except for what is expressly mentioned in these Conditions. Neither you nor we will have any action against any uncertain statement made by the other party, verbal or written, prior to the date of the Contract (unless such uncertain statement had been made fraudulently) and the only action available to the another part will be for breach of contract in accordance with the provisions of these Conditions.



We have the right to review and modify these Conditions at any time. You will be subject to the policies and Conditions in force at the time you use this website, except that by law or decision of government agencies we must make changes retroactively in said policies, Conditions or Privacy Policy, in which case, possible Changes will affect what you would have done previously.



Your comments and suggestions will be welcomed. We kindly ask you to send us your comments and suggestions through our contact form.


Send to: Pomar Water S.L.

     C/ Parroquia de Rois, Parc. H-11, 15165, Bergondo



These General Conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish Legislation. Any litigation that arises or is related to the use of the website, the contracts for the purchase of products through this page and that relating to the interpretation or execution of these general conditions of sale will be the jurisdiction of the courts and courts of the city of Bergondo (Galicia).

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